Marketing & Content


b. 1986, HK.


/sydney ka-ney-go/

Hi, I'm Sydney, your friendly neighborhood All-American athlete and SCAD grad. While I might have spent my fair share of time juggling sports and textbooks, my real passion lies in the competitive world of creative growth marketing. Yep, I'm that someone who thrives on sculpting businesses into masterpieces through the magic of social media and influencer marketing. But wait, there's more! I'm not just your run-of-the-mill marketer – I'm a self-proclaimed visionary leader, strategic thinker, proficient communicator, and the ultimate team player. 

So, what's next on my agenda? Whether it's leading the charge in social media and influencer marketing, project management, creative direction, or advertising, rest assured, I come fully prepared for the challenge of securing an exciting new role. After all, getting beat up on the lacrosse field has perfectly primed me for the glamorous world of getting knocked around in the fiercely competitive arena of job hunting.


Get in touch with me!